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Il y a 8 ans   

bonjour a partir de quel date sont versées la prime de rentrée scolaire merci


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je pense que la prime de rentrée scolaire sera versée en même temps que les allocations familiales (vers le 25/08) mais comme ce sera la première fois pour moi, je vais surveiller cela de près.

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Il y a 8 ans   

oui moi aussi c es lA premiere fois pour l ARS JE PENSE AUSSI VERS LE 25 AOUT J EN SUIS PAS SUR

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Hnee Mirinda
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Il y a 5 mois   

The discussion around 'Prestations familiales' or family benefits highlights a critical aspect of social policy that directly impacts the well-being of families across various communities. It's heartening Drift Hunters  Drift" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">https://drifthunters2.org/\">Drift Hunters"}" data-sheets-userformat="{"2":513,"3":{"1":0},"12":0}">Drift Hunters to see the acknowledgment and financial support for families, recognizing the challenges that come with raising children. These benefits not only provide necessary financial assistance but also reflect a society's commitment to nurturing its future generations. The implementation of such policies speaks volumes about the value placed on family life and the understanding that supporting families creates a stronger, healthier community. It's essential for ongoing dialogue and improvement in these policies to adapt to the changing needs of families, ensuring that support remains relevant and effective.